Thursday, March 27, 2014


I've been thinking for awhile that I wanted to write a blog post about injury prevention, or strength training, or training seriously while traveling > 50% of the time. Somehow, though, I haven't been quite inspired to sit down and write for fun in quite awhile (this is unsurprising: there's been a lot of writing associated with my current PhD status: almost ABD). Today, though, I had a fun idea for a quick post. Between my recent trip home and my recent  recent realization that I've managed to get back into some kind of shape again, I've been reminded of a bunch of running "firsts" which I imagine some of you might enjoy.

- Realization that distance running was my thing/running my first uninterrupted mile (2005?)
At some point late in high school, a suppressed memory of mine resurfaced. I remembered doing lap after lap after lap on the dusty path behind my elementary school, and getting a ribbon because I was the only first-grader willing to do four whole laps around the school. I assumed this was gym class of some sort, but after sifting through old boxes of junk, I later found some ribbons which say "Track Meet" on the back of them. I don't think we ever practiced; I only have memory of two races (in both of these, I was the only participant).

- My first actual track practice (2001)

- My first pair of real running shoes (Spring 2002)
I can't remember at all what they were called, but I know exactly how they looked. They were white and blue with lime green Swooshes on them. And they were wonderful.

- My first pair of actual running shorts (Summer 2002)
I ran middle school track in board shorts, that were blue and lime green and matched my first pair of running shoes. How this didn't cause chafing, I can't tell you; I'm going to assume it was because I only ran about 10 miles a week then.

- My first cross-country race (Fall 2002)
Libby, Montana. It was hot. And hilly. I ran 25:30something. I cannot believe I still remember that course, but I do.

- My first entirely varsity cross-country season (2003)
The tight red uniforms were awesome. So was winning state (for what was the 3rd consecutive time our team took home the title). So was the boys team singing "We are the champions" at the top of their lungs when we went up to get the trophy.

- My first 10k (2005)
It was the summer before senior year when I first made the foray into longer races than the 5k. I loved my first 10k (the Whitefish Lake Run); I even ran the second 5k faster than I'd ever run a 5k alone.

- My first marathon training season (2006)
I trained for Chicago the summer after I graduated from high school. Unfortunately,  getting mono 2 weeks from race-day squashed my plans for glory and a 4:00 marathon

- My first marathon (2008)
I ran my first marathon under someone else's name. I remember running by a bank thermometer that read 85 at about 7 miles in. A bunch of my friends in college were planning on running together for a 4:00 pace or so. Together, we hit the halfway mark at around 2:00. When I stopped to tie my shoe, we got separated. I ran the second half in ~1:41, just above the qualifying time for Boston (though I told myself it didn't matter, since the bib wasn't mine anyway).

- My first BQ marathon (2009)
I ran Chicago, with my own bib this time, in a year that was as frigid as the previous years had been sweltering. The waterstops were slick with ice, and I wore a cheap UChicago sweatshirt throughout most of the race. After I finished, someone told me it was still below freezing. I had been hoping to run a 3:30 or so, but I felt so good in the cold that I managed to stumble deliriously into a 3:24. I hadn't had beer in over a month, so when a volunteer offered me Goose Island in the finisher's chute, I happily took the beer and finished it as I walked through the rest of the line. I took one step out of the chute before my body made me aware it was not ready for such shenanigans, and the beer resurfaced onto the pavement. A horrified volunteer asked if I needed a medic. I calmly assured her that the vomit was only from the ineptly timed boozing, not from running.

- My first sub-6:00 mile (2011)
I might mention that I did not run track or cross country in college, and only ran track 2 of 4 years in high school. I didn't do any real speed workouts after high school, so when I stepped onto the track to see what I could run without any work, and managed a 5:52, I was ecstatic. I did a workout today (2014) where the first mile was 6:00, after which I took 1:00 of rest, and proceeded to complete another 3 miles worth of speedwork at a much faster clip. I realized it hasn't been very long since I realized I could even do one mile at that pace.

- My first Hounds Practice (2010/2011)
It's not clear if I should count the first time I showed up (when I met three of my favorite male hounds and went for an "easy 9 mile run" at roughly 7:00 pace, in the dark, which one of them fondly refers to as "5 degrees out and she's wearing shorts and a t-shirt"; I'll stick to my claim that it was more like 20), or the first workout I did with the hounds (up at the Oval a few weeks before the 2011 Great Race, where I met several people who would become my best friends). Either way, these people have made my running life a total joy, have taught me so much about running, and showed me how much a great group of people can mean to growing as a runner. Thanks, guys! Love you all.